Computer User License Being Considered

Computer User License Being Considered

Proposal Being Considered

A proposal is being considered that would require all users of computers, smart phone devices, and other internet connected devices, to obtain a license. As is, the proposal would require those users to pass a test and be licensed in order to own and operate such equipment. The licensing process would involve a written test and a practical exam.

How It Will Work

The written test would have 50 questions and would require 80% of questions be answered correctly in order to pass. The questions would cover a user's basic knowledge of “How to turn a computer on”, “How to log-in”, “How to navigate a programs menu”, etc. It would also test understanding of common computer words such as  cursor, browser, menu, icon, directory, file, reboot, etc.

The practical exam would ask a user to do common computer tasks such as right clicking, opening a program, navigating directories, finding files, etc. There would also be a requirement for a user to open a browser window and navigate to 25 sites and make a minimum of 5 clicks per site and then do a keyword search for 10 terms and at the end have no viruses, ad ware, or other leech program attached to their system.

What Are The Benefits

Advocates of this proposal insist this will be a win-win situation. This regulation would immediately boost the economy and create jobs. The revenue from the initial and yearly renewal of licenses, the vast network of related regulatory positions, offices, processes, and the need for training and testing facilities,  would immediately and long term add to the economy and create jobs. Although users will see a slight increase in the cost of computers they will benefit in the fact they actually know how to use a computer and it will be reflected in their computer use, internet experience, and a general increase in their work productivity and internet activities.

How Will It Be Implemented

Compliance will consist of an immediate prompt when you start up a new computer that will ask for your CUL(Computer User License). Sellers of computers will be required to ask for the CUL at the time of sell. For existing computers  a user must download a file in which they will input their CUL number. The file will be a static certificate that programs, websites, and servers will be required to request. The certificate will be asked for and then presented automatically when a user uses the computer or is connected to the internet. If the certificate is not present access will be denied. Employers will make the CUL a part of the application process for employees that would be using a computer or smart device.

In a recent interview with with Jake FersonComputer and Internet Assurance, Mr Ferson said, “ There will be a black market of license numbers and other methods to circumvent this requirement; be assured we will confront each and every breach with measures already in place”.  One of the facets of implementing this is in the used computer market. According toSec.34 paragraph 51 of the regulation; “A license will follow the user”. If a user sells a computer or smart device they are required to delete the license from their device or they will be in violation of their license agreement.

Because of the immense number of users that will have to be licensed and tracked it will be a challenge to implement and maintain but, once in place, will be an overall success story. Productivity will increase and there will be great benefit to the programmers who build the applications, programs, and websites.  A majority of programming is now spent on preventing 'user errors' and making programs 'fool proof'. With this requirement in place it will reduce  the time it takes to do the programming and general troubleshooting of computers and computer programs.

 A copy the regulation, as it is currently written,  can be found Here.

by Jim Atkins "thedosmann"

Memphis Web Programming

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