Memphis Web Programming

Thedosmann's Blog

Windows 11 - privacy exploits

Just Installed Windows 11

No new revelations yet. But I must mention, it seems MS is giving advertising carte blanche.This is but a glimpse of 2022. Extreme intrusions in our everyday life by some company wanting our attention and trying everything to gain access to our very thoughts, your next big decision, where you are located. We find it funny when a commercial comes on and talks about what we were discussing or another type of intrusion, that follows what you spend money on and graphs your buying habits. This is happening now and we just grin and think how odd. 

USPS tracking discovered


USPS tracking discovered. The code of your message notice is an ID, attached at the front of a message/text from USPS. The number/ ID is becoming more methodical in its tallies. Yes, they are tallies. As those digits change, there is an indication of either a counting (Accounting) or a timer. As the numbers turn, message by message, the digits to the left start freezing. As the numbers to the left start gaining a greater number of digits it becomes more of a countdown, till all digits stop. Are triggers in number movement tied to a specific total, or position of digits? Finding number patterns might reveal the connection between other related elements. And, with concentrated effort, what those elements are.


Jim Atkins

Website Push Notifications

push notifications

Another name for push notifications is just pushy.



customer service

40 years in customer service positions, ranging from sales, management, and various retail industries like restaurant, technical, and wholesale occupations have trained me in the knowledge of what customer service is.

The Face of "2020"

NYT- Technology


  • Friday, July 26, 2024 - 22:30 (Cesar Cadenas)

    Last month, digital photography brand Blackmagic Design launched its Blackmagic Camera app on Android, but it was limited to a handful of Galaxy and Pixel phones. On those phones, it gave users access to pro-level film tools, and now the company revealed it’s expanding the availability of its software to older devices.

    The announcement almost went unnoticed as it was made on social media instead of their official blog. According to their post, Blackmagic Camera version 1.1 is now available on the Samsung Galaxy S21, Galaxy S22, the entire Pixel 6 line, the OnePlus 11, and the OnePlus 12. For non-American users, the app is also available for Xiaomi 13 and Xiaomi 14. You can download it right from the Google Play Store.

    Just to give you an idea of what you’re getting, Blackmagic Camera offers “advanced configuration options” to help you set up the right shots, tools to help you check exposure, and support for “various video resolutions,” among other things. 

    There is a requirement that must be met, but luckily, it’s not a strict one. Android Central states the phone must be running Android 13 or later, which shouldn’t be an issue with these models. 

    New features

    In addition to the expansion, version 1.1 introduces multiple new features and adjustments to the software. These include, but are not limited to, a general performance boost, optional image noise reduction, the ability to dim the screen while recording, plus support for 3D LUTs.

    That last one refers to 3D Look Up Tables. These are a collection of color presets that can be added to photographs or videos to achieve a certain look. For example, LUTs can help correct the colors in an image, enhance shadows, or add a sepia filter. Groups and businesses should also appreciate the newfound connection to Blackmagic Cloud for Organizations. This is a first-party cloud service where people can come together to share files for a project. 

    As great as smartphone photography may be nowadays, nothing beats a proper camera. Be sure to check out TechRadar’s list of the best cameras for 2024 if you’re looking for recommendations. 

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