Mobile-connected devices will exceed the world's population in 2013

A tidal wave of exploits

While a prevailing assault of malware floods over into the mobile device community a new set of problems is presented to programmers. Is it possible to connect to the internet with a mobile device and not be vulnerable to the rising wave of thieves, hackers, and global terrorists, intent on stealing your information, crashing your device, or taking over your device to use as they wish? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Although, there are steps you can take to make it more difficult for these malicious parasites who are constantly trying to find better ways to spread their evil devices

Coders beware

From a programming stand-point, programmers need to write code that incorporates good security standards and not short-cut or by-pass these standards in order for the code to work. If turning off a security measure is needed for code to work then rewrite the code. Use the tools available to test code against security threats and after your sure the code holds up to the latest threats; test again. After the program goes to market, keep testing against new threats and types of hacking.

With mobile programming it is sometimes necessary to tie into hardware features and native data in order for the program to work correctly. While making use of native hardware and software features is a huge plus for programmers, care should be given to those connections and the way in which you exchange and store information the program has access to. Never use native features you don't need for the program to work.

Users beware

As users, it is essential to be vigilant with what programs you install and the features you allow programs access to. Mobile devices should be given the same diligence and caution your home computer gets, if not more.

Do not ever enter account information, including user names and passwords, into any fields that you did not go to directly in your mobile browser by manually entering an internet address, or by clicking on a trusted local shortcut or program. Never enter this information in a popup window or by clicking on links on a webpage or links in an email or text. Do not keep passwords on your mobile device and, if you do, use an encryption program to protect them. Like this one.

Keep your device's software and other programs up-to-date by installing updates and never do updates by clicking links in an email or message.

Most programs can do auto-updates but if the program doesn't list that option then use the program's internal link to update the program, if available.

Regularly check the list of downloaded programs on your device to ensure no programs are installed that you did not intend to install.

Pay attention to the address in your mobile browser address field and verify that it is the address you expect to be at.

Use a virus and malware program to protect your mobile device.

Don't leave features turned on that you are not using. Those features include Bluetooth, inferred, or other features that allow unwanted connections to your device.

More mobile devices than humans

These are just a few measures you can take, there are others. If you want to keep your device safer, then be prudent by being proactive in ensuring you've taken all the steps available for your particular mobile device. It is easy, almost natural, to be complacent with the security on a mobile device.

A Cisco report says the number of smartphones, tablets, laptops and internet-capable phones will exceed the number of humans in 2013. One can only imagine the power if an individual or group had control over a portion of those devices.

by Jim Atkins 'thedosmann'

Memphis Web Programming

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